Proclaiming Christ
as an active part of God's family
through prayer, worship and caring.
Worship - Sunday 10.15am
Online worship from 10am each Sunday (link above)
Onsite worship from 10.15am each Sunday at St. Edward's.
St Ed's Playgroup
We're so excited to be starting a new playgroup in 2024!
Wednesday 10am - 12pm during school term
Find more information HERE.
Monthly Prayer
We hold St Edward's and St Thomas' joint prayer meetings on the first Thursday of each month. We alternate between meeting at both churches.
Next Prayer Night: St Edward's 7th November 2024. 7.30pm
Love in a Cup Cafe
Love in a Cup Café is our monthly social community gathering. Join us every 4th Thursday of the month 1pm-2.30pm in the church foyer. We chat, share a cuppa and do the monthly quiz. Gold coin donation.
Bible Study
Join our in person Bible Study each Wednesday 1pm-2.30pm in the church foyer. Share a cuppa, read the Bible and pray together. From July 2023, we have been working our way through the Book of Acts and have been really encouraged learning more about the early church.
Exercise class
Each Monday from 4pm to 5pm Shawn Perry (Physiotherapist) runs an exercise group in the St. Edward’s hall for mature people. The work out includes balance work, muscle strengthening and stretching as well as therapy exercises. It is a great place for fun and laughter and individual attention is given to each participant. The cost is $10 per session. Use our contact page to find out more.